
Support Oasis Spiritual Center

Ways to give:

The Oasis Spiritual Center is a faithbased non governmental entity tax and all donations are tax deductible per the IRS tax code.  Your Donations in the way of Tithes/Offerings are to be given freely from your heart.   We  deeply appreciate your support and it helps with the furtherance of this ministry!

WE BELIEVE, giving is an exercise of faith, reflective of your trust in God’s word. When you give the Universal Law of Circulation is activated which states; all things in the universe are always flowing in circulation at an ever expanding rate.  As you give so shall you receive!

Thank you for your continued support of the ministry. May God’s highest and greatest good be made manifest in your life!

“Make This Your Offertory Affirmation”

Divine Love, through me,
Blesses and Multiplies
All that I Am, All that I Have,
All that I Give, All that I Receive,
And all that I Circulate
And So It Is